The end of summer, Labor Day Weekend, is coming up fast! Summer evenings grilling on the deck will soon be replaced by kettles of hot seafood chowder eaten in front of the fire. Time to get our summer favorites, our must haves, in line for lunches and dinners over the...
ON THE FARM TWO: Good Practices/Good Products
This week we are writing about our Portland wharf neighbor, Bangs Island Mussels. Bangs has been cultivating sustainable mussels off the islands of Clapboard and Bang’s in Casco Bay since 1999. Mussels are naturally one of the ocean’s great filter feeders, farming...
ON THE FARM: Good Practices/Good Products
Let's start by saying fresh shrimp is not something the Northeast sees much of. The Northern Maine Shrimp that we used to enjoy has been depleted and has fled to colder waters. Unfortunately, according to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, the Gulf of Maine, all...
Maine ‘Shedder’ Lobsters
You may have heard the term 'shedders' if you have been buying Maine lobsters this summer. It's a term used to describe a lobster that has shed it's shell, and developed a new shell, which is now soft. These lobsters are also called new shells or soft shells. Makes...
Mother’s Day
Mom…a word that conjures up all kinds of warm images. A warm kitchen is what comes to my mind when I think of my mom, where something delicious was always going on the stove top or in the oven. So, it’s no wonder that with Mother’s Day approaching my thoughts turn to...
All About Wester Ross Salmon
Salmon is a popular fish for good reason! It's rich, decadent, and an eye-catching color on your dinner table; especially if you’re purchasing it from the right business. Wester Ross Fisheries is one of those “right” businesses. Their practices are far beyond your...
Maine Lobster Roll Kits are on Memorial Day!!!
Last summer, Harbor Fish introduced a Maine lobster roll kit and it was quite a hit. It was the perfect grab and go meal. Fresh Maine lobster meat (4 oz), a just-baked roll from a local bakery and a packet of Hellman’s mayo. Simple Maine goodness. What a convenience...
Memorial Day 2020
We always think of the first big seasonal BBQ as Memorial Weekend, it’s the kick-off to summer. Now, I know some people never stop grilling no matter what, and that’s cool. But in Maine, when it is below zero and the snow is whipped by the wind so hard it hurts your...
Featured Fish: Acadian Red Fish
Acadian Red Fish, also known as Ocean Perch, Rose Fish, or just plain Red Fish are a smart seafood choice because they are sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations. They are orange to flame red in color, with a paler underbelly. They have...
Easter: Seafood Style
By the time Easter gets here, you know that spring is just around the corner. Hope and rebirth are what Easter is all about. Ham and Lamb are the two COP (center of plate) items that you hear most about for the dinner celebration, but salmon is making a statement at...
Passover this year will be celebrated from sunset on April 8th until nightfall on April 16th . During this time, Jews will celebrate the Exodus, the freedom from slavery of the Israelites from Ancient Egypt. It is a very important celebration for the Jewish faith....
Earth Day: 50 Years Later
On April 22, 1970 millions of people raised their hands and said enough is enough, we need to help our planet! And each year since, millions have put on gloves on their hands and picked up and cleaned up their yards, their neighborhoods, their parks and beaches. How...
Happy 1st Birthday to SoFISHticated Seasoning!
It’s been a year since we launched our Harbor Fish’s own SoFISHticated Seasoning! It’s been a great year introducing our customers to more mildly flavored fish and being able to pump up the flavor with our seasoning. A real favorite has been using pollock in a demo...
Salted Fish Blog
One of the iconic dishes of Maine is corned hake. And looking at the way it is spelled, you may get the wrong idea about what ‘corned hake’ is. Corned hake is salted hake. The reason the term ‘corn’ was used was because of the size of the salt pellets that were used...
The Luck of the Salmon
Ok, so yes there’s the green beer, bangers and yummy colcannon but one staple of the Irish diet goes back centuries…the prized salmon. Folklore has it that the Irish treasured their salmon and it was a special meal, indeed! Salmon was said to contain vast knowledge...
What Is In Our Freezers, Coolers and More!
Harbor Fish Market is all about the fresh fish every day…but there are some really great products that just happen to come in frozen or jarred. When you come in the store, make sure you look in every case, I guarantee there are some items in there that you will love....
Get To Know Your Local Fishmonger
Back in the day, food shopping might take a week’s worth of lists and several stops until the larder was full. The butcher, fish market, baker, the produce guy, and then finally to the grocery store for all the incidentals, maybe some TV dinners and canned goods....
You Want Shrimp? We’ve Got Plenty!
A blog post about blog posts. Now there is a novel idea! There are so many faucets to the commercial fishing industry, we could write about it for years. As we discuss what might make a good blog and then pair it with a recipe, we are intent on making the story fresh,...

Harbor Fish Market
(207) 775-0251 • 9 Custom House Wharf • Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 503-5900• 246 US Route 1 • Scarborough, Maine 04074
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