John’s River Oysters
John' River Select John's River Cocktail Fresh oysters are one of Harbor Fish Market’s specialties. We carry a wide variety of oysters from different parts of Maine, Massachusetts, NH, Rhode Island, and even the west coast! Our selection is displayed in a unique...
We Love You, Lobster!
Listen, we do not discriminate when it comes to lobster. We will take it in all forms, whenever humanly possible. Steamed? Sure! Made into a salad? Absolutely! Atop some freshly poached eggs? You bet! In a roll? Give us twenty! Lobster has that perfect balance between...
Seafood for Breakfast?
A seafood breakfast is a food-lover’s dream come true! Health nuts and fish fanatics can all rejoice in this tasty trend. Move over lunch and dinner, because breakfast is now serving up a variety of unique seafood dishes that will be sure to catch your eye! Why eat...
From the Spice Cabinet: Old Bay Seasoning
Old Bay is seafood’s best friend! This classic dry seasoning contains mustard, paprika, celery salt, bay leaf, black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger, and it packs a punch! Old Bay is great on everything,...
FAQ’s About Oysters
We get a lot of questions surrounding oysters, which can often seem a bit of an enigma. They also can be a bit intimidating the first time you try them. We are here to answer some of those frequently asked questions and also educate our customers on these tasty...
All About Sockeye Salmon
Sockeye Salmon, also known as red or blueback salmon, are known for being one of the smaller Pacific salmon species. Regardless of their size, their succulent, vibrant orange meat, is one of the tastiest of all types of salmon. The typical size of sockeye salmon is...
Octopus 101
The octopus is a mysterious creature. This can be attributed primarily to their appearance. They are essentially a sac with 8 arms, 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood, which can admittedly be a bit less than appetizing! And that’s before one considers their apparent...
The Delicacy that is Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin tuna are among the most beautifully colored fish in the sea. They display a vibrant metallic blue on the top of their bodies, and a shimmering white on the bottom. These...
All About Laughing Bird Shrimp
There’s a delicate balance between the health benefits of serving wild seafood and the ecological benefits of serving farmed seafood. We’re constantly on the lookout for products that are both healthy to eat, and healthy for our planet. One variety of farmed shrimp...
Poke Bowls: This Season’s Hottest Food Trend
Poke bowls are this season’s hottest food trend. We want to break down its history for you a little, and then show you just how easy it is to make in the comfort of your own home! Poke bowls originated in Hawaii. The word poke translates to “cut” or “slice” and...
Red Snapper
Red snapper can grow surprisingly large, topping the scale at 35 pounds. But the average market size is only roughly 4 to 6 pounds. Red snapper that are under 4 pounds have a lighter pink colored skin, but as they grow older (and bigger), they develop a deeper...
Cod: The Staple Fish of the North Atlantic
Cod is the staple fish of the North Atlantic. It has a long history as the fish that fed entire medieval populations, allowed the Vikings and other Europeans to become world explorers, and continues to be a source of nutritious, healthy food to a wide variety of...
Monkfish 101
Monkfish, also known as anglerfish, goosefish, or bellyfish, may be the ugliest fish in the sea. They have huge heads, tiny eyes, and an enormous mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. They are also equipped with a fleshy growth on the front of their head used to...
Cusk: An Under Appreciated Whitefish
Cusk, often thought of as a good replacement for cod, really should be more popular in its own right. It resides in the same family as the most popular white fish; haddock,...
LOBSTER: The Battle Between Hard-Shell and Soft-Shell Lobsters
A lobster is a lobster… correct? Well what if we told you depending on season, there are different kinds! Although a lobster will always be a lobster, you will find that, depending upon the season, you can buy lobsters as hard shells or soft shells. This is because...
Swordfish 101
Currently we receive our swordfish from the North Atlantic waters of both the US and Canada, as well as some being imported from South America. North Atlantic Swordfish are a very sustainable fish species, completely managed by the NOAA Fisheries and...
Halibut: The Largest Flatfish
Halibut are the largest flatfish in the ocean, growing up to 9 feet in length and weighing up to 600 pounds! There are two different species, Pacific and Atlantic. As with other flatfish, both eyes are located on the one side of their bodies, because these fish are...
All About Razor Clams
Atlantic razor clams are the best-kept secret in the world of shellfish. Everyone knows and loves the bivalve clams of pasta dishes, half-shells, and clambakes. Razor clams are different. They are oblong in shape, growing up to 6 inches in length. In some cases,...
Harbor Fish Market
(207) 775-0251 • 9 Custom House Wharf • Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 503-5900• 246 US Route 1 • Scarborough, Maine 04074
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