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Acme Smoked Fish

In 1905, Acme Smoked Fish Co, located in Brooklyn NY, started as a horse-drawn wagon selling smoked fish. Since then, the company has been passed down from generation to generation and it’s no surprise that all these years later, they are a leader in the smoked fish...

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Have you ever ‘smelt’ a smelt?

On the Maine coast, smelts are a sure sign of spring. They live in schools in the ocean until heading into estuaries and streams to spawn, where in some places they can be caught with dip-nets. And if you find yourself at a campground, at some point, you will hear the...

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All About Skate

Skate are a bottom dwelling fish.  They have cartilage instead of bones, just like their relative, the shark. Skate are shaped like a kite and are typically brown/gray in color.  Some skate are solid in color, while others have patterns. Their large pectoral fins,...

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Ducktrap River of Maine

View their Recipe Book Here: At Harbor Fish Market, we pride ourselves on carrying only the best seafood available. Fresh, frozen, smoked, value-added…you name it. One of our bestselling brands is...

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Hake: A Great Alternative to Cod

Hake is a member of the cod family and is a great alternative to cod.  Although just as tasty as many other white fish, we find hake to be an under-utilized species.  Perhaps that is because most people don’t realize how awesome Hake really is! The flesh of Hake is...

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What to do with Seafood Leftovers

On Friday night you have a big fish fry...haddock was on sale at Harbor Fish Market and you took advantage of it. And the kids love fried fish!So, Sunday you are looking for something for breakfast, no bacon or sausages in the fridge but that left over fried haddock...

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Comfort Food with a Seafood Twist!

Winter meals aren’t just about baked beans and brown bread, mac ‘n’ cheeses, and shepherd’s pies. Seasonal flavors and ingredients -- of the seafood variety can give you all a much-needed break from the normal routine of winter foods and allow you to find new comfort...

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The Art of Smoked Seafood

Smoked fish is exactly like it sounds, fish that has been cured by smoking.  Foods in general have been smoked throughout history as a means to preserve the food.  In more recent years, smoked fish is generally done for its unique taste given by the smoking process....

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All About Pollock

Atlantic Pollock (Pollachius virens) is a species of fish that is sustainably harvested, and at present, in no danger of being over-fished. Although a member of the cod family, the pollock is distinguished by it’s slightly greenish color and darker flesh. This darker...

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The Connection Between Lobster and Love

Love is in the air! With Valentine’s Day right around the corner,  it’s only fitting to write a blog about the special day. Harbor Fish is all about the seafood and you might think “what does Valentine’s Day and seafood have in common?” Well, seafood for dinner on...

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Grey Sole 101

Grey sole, also known as witch flounder, are a flat fish with a very small mouth and both eyes on the top side of their body. They are a deep-water fish that are typically brown to grey on top with a vibrant white under belly. This allows them to easily camouflage...

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What is Uni: A Complete Guide to Sea Urchin

Sea urchins are spiny-shelled echinoderms. They are closely related to sand dollars and starfish. Uni, pronounced oo-nee, are actually sea urchin roe. These bright yellow to bright orange lobes are considered a delicacy to some. They are often used in sushi, over...

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Harbor Fish Market’s Holiday Gift Guide

Whether it be for a yankee swap, a hosting gift, or a present from Santa to place under the tree, Harbor Fish Market has plenty of options when it comes to gifts this holiday season. The gift of seafood is one that brings together a group of people to enjoy a...

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How Do Oysters Form Pearls?

With our out-of-this-world oyster stuffing recipe coming out tomorrow, we wanted to cover an intriguing characteristic of oysters. Did you know that oysters have the ability to make pearls? We've even had a customer find a pearl inside an oyster that they purchased...

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Harbor Fish Market’s Holiday Guide to Shipped Seafood

Just to preface this blog post, we wanted to let you know that we understand it is October 29th . Some of you may gasp in horror to read this post, while others may feel indifferent, or dare we say happy, when we mention the word Christmas… Listen, we know it’s not...

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Seafood That Wear Halloween Costumes Year Around!

The spookiest time of the year is right around the corner! Before you know it, you’ll be at Halloween parties featuring the spookiest appetizers imaginable. We’ve all witnessed the appetizer that looks like a gelatinous brain, and we shiver; but then upon tasting it,...

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Harbor Fish Market

(207) 775-0251 • 9 Custom House Wharf • Portland, Maine 04101

(207) 503-5900• 246 US Route 1 • Scarborough, Maine 04074

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