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Boy, have we had ourselves a summer! So much so, that it is a bit sad thinking that this season
is coming to an end. To wrap up the summer, we figured it would be fun to write a blog about
some of the fun we had!

We launched a bunch of new products, some our own, and some from our vendors, that are
fully grab and go. This was an adventure that we started months prior to summer, so to see all
of our ideas come to life, was so fun! The highlight for us was certainly our DIY Lobster Roll Kits.
That product is fully ours and we could not be prouder of how it turned out! Many of you had
shared in the joy, after eating one yourself, and that was the icing on the cake for us. We even recently added grab and go sushi from a great restaurant in Portland, Miyake. That has been an awesome addition to our cooler!

We were most excited to launch our very own seasoning line: SoFISHticated Seasoning’s All-
Purpose Blend. It is truly our child, created by us and the flavor profile took months to perfect.
Not to mention, I think we had 276 rough drafts of the label, prior to finalizing the packaging
design, but who is counting! All of the stress was worth it, because that seasoning is darn good,
and we are incredibly happy with how much you all enjoy it as well. Hopefully, in the near
future, you all may see a second seasoning launch, under the same SoFISHticated Seasoning’s
brand name, that is just as stellar as our first! *hint hint*

One of the more unique highlights from this summer was being given a powder blue lobster,
that was caught right in Casco Bay and brought to us for safe keeping. This blue lobster, that
we named Opal (because we absolutely had to name him) was BEAUTIFUL! He took center
stage for quite some time on our social media. After having Opal for a single night in our ocean
water tank, we gifted him to the Maine Research Institute. He will live out his life in one of their
tanks, and be on display for local school children to come visit and learn more about his unique
shell color, and how lobsters live in Maine waters.

The last summer highlight we want to mention, was meeting all of you in our store! The
amount of people that we get to interact with, from all of the world, is so very special to us.
Hearing stories from your hometown and what seafood is traditionally sold near you, seeing the
excitement on your face when you get to hold a lobster for the first time, and watching your
face light up when you try a sample of something tasty from Terri’s Friday demos is just a small
snippet of the memories we enjoyed with you all – in person.

So long sweet summer! We will see you again soon (after what feels like 2 days of beautiful fall
weather and 17 whole months of snow)