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Haddock: A fish we know and love

Haddock: A fish we know and love

The vast majority of our customers know and love haddock. It’s an extremely popular, tasty white fish, and it’s a staple here in the northeast US. Haddock is often mistaken for cod, as they are very similar fish. One way to know the difference is to look for the...

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Arctic Char:  The Salmon Look Alike

Arctic Char: The Salmon Look Alike

Arctic Char is a close relative to the brook trout, found from Northern Canada to Scandinavia. Due to the popularity of Arctic Char for food consumption, they are often farmed, as well. They are silver in color, and their bellies become a beautiful vibrant red during...

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Flounder: Everything you need to know

Flounder: Everything you need to know

Flounder are considered flatfish. All flatfish have both eyes on one side of their head. Every flatfish starts as a round fish, with eyes on either side of the head, but as they grow and mature into bottom dwellers, one eye migrates. With this comes other changes in...

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Shad Roe: What is it?

Shad Roe: What is it?

The arrival of shad roe is our reminder that tulips and longer days are right around the corner. It is a delicacy that is found on the east coast just as soon as the weather starts to turn for the better. The season can be anywhere from February to May, depending upon...

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John Dory:  Everything you need to know

John Dory: Everything you need to know

John Dory is often considered one of the ugliest fish in the world, with absolutely no relatives that we know of. It is an extremely thin, flat bodied, greyish-green fish, with an oval shape. It has 10 spines that run the length of the top of its body and has a...

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Wester Ross Salmon

Wester Ross Salmon

Here at Harbor Fish, we carry an excellent variety of salmon products.  This week we are highlighting Wester Ross Fisheries. As we approach Easter, everyone is looking for the perfect dish that will wow their guests at the Easter party.  Traditionally, ham is, and has...

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Day Boat Scallops

Day Boat Scallops

In shore Maine scallop season is coming to an end, so we figured we would shed some light on these sweet, jewels of the sea. Scallops are far more resourceful than one may think. Firstly, did you know that they have the ability to swim? Youtube it, it’s adorable! The...

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Buying Fish 101

Buying Fish 101

In an ideal world, you would always trust what the tag says when purchasing seafood. Unfortunately, consumers have every right to be skeptical. Some fish markets operate unethically, trying to pass off lower quality, or older fish, asa freshly caught product. Here at...

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The Granddaddy of ’em All

The Granddaddy of ’em All

"Harbor Fish is the granddaddy of all best New England seafood markets." Thanks,! We're proud of what we do, and proud to do it in Maine. Click to read: 10 Best New England Seafood Markets

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Welcome to the new!

Welcome to the new!

Are you as excited as we are?! We think this new site represents who we are, and imparts the feeling of walking through our door on Custom House Wharf. Best of all, you can order live lobster to be shipped right in our online store. We know, you're...

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Harbor Fish Market

(207) 775-0251 • 9 Custom House Wharf • Portland, Maine 04101

(207) 503-5900• 246 US Route 1 • Scarborough, Maine 04074

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