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Two things…first…can you believe it is the year 2020? In our wildest dreams as kids, we never imagined what 2020 might be like. We figured it would either be fun like the Jetson TV show, or dismal like the song ‘In the Year 2525’. Now we have dated ourselves. Secondly, how did this year fly by sooo fast?

So, at the start of the New Year we all take a hard look at ourselves and find ways to improve on us. And more often than not, healthy eating is at the top of the list. (we refuse to say the word diet!) You would think working in a fish market would guarantee that we all would eat fish every day. Unfortunately, the answer is no… but that is changing in the year 2020. One New Years resolution that we can get behind is promising ourselves that we will eat fish at least twice a week moving forward.  This is Terri’s resolution, but we figured we would extend it to everyone as it is such a great idea! There are so many choices. New species arrive almost daily around here, there is always plenty to try. Sarah posts a video recipe every week and shows us how easy it is to prepare fish in interesting ways. Terri does demos every Friday, right here at the store, making sure our customers get to try things like John Dory, Opah, Tautog and fun things like bluefish pate and calamari salad, lobster ravioli and squid meatballs. With all these awesome choices, it’s going to be easy to eat something wonderfully healthy and tasty twice a week. So have no fear, if you make this same resolution, talk to Terri on Fridays at the demo table about how you can achieve the same goal for 2020.  We are all in this together!

Happy New Year 2020!